Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Movies to watch out for

This is from today's Viewfinder column by Nestor Torre,

June 15, "Batman Begins." The Batmobile has had a makeover, plus other innovations make this production an attractive viewing proposition.

June 22, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Sam Rockwell based his portrayal of the two-headed president of the galaxy (one head is usually hidden) on three models: Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury and Bill Clinton!

July 20, "The Island." While Puma tennis shoes should spike in popularity after audiences see that's what Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johanssen and thousands of other workers are wearing in the film's mysterious facility.

July 27, "Stealth." When a picture of the Talon (a fighter plane invented for the film) was circulated online, the Navy received many calls asking about the "new" aircraft!

Aug. 3, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." The candy-making squirrels in Willy Wonka's factory are real squirrels, trained from birth to act on cue.

Of course there's also War of the Worlds, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Nov 2005), X-Men 3 (May 2006), Da Vinci Code (May 2006), and other blockbusters. Find out more in ComingSoon.net

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Johnny Depp, but he looks and sounds kinda creepy as Willy Wonka. Parang mas gusto ko siya as a pirate. Hehehe.

Anyway, still excited to see the movie :)